Online campaign and social networks within the framework of the International Neonatal Screening Day

In June 2023, Mujer México y Cebras México launched an awareness and sensitization campaign about the importance of Neonatal Screening, for the Best Interest of Children, contributing to the reduction of Diagnostic Odysseys.
If you don’t think about them, if you don’t suspect them, you can’t detect them Zero Diagnostic Odysseys for a Rare Disease! “Zebras Mexico”.
👉 Today marks International Neonatal Screening Day with the purpose of raising awareness throughout the world about the importance of neonatal screening to expedite the diagnosis and early and comprehensive treatment of Rare Diseases.🧬🦓
👉 The Neonatal Sieve Saves Lives and Prevents Disability! It is the right of every newborn.
✔ We continue to work daily with Public Health Institutions, expert doctors, health professionals, legislators, Federal and State Governments, the patient community, doctors in training, opinion leaders and society, in general, to help improve and promote their importance nationally and in LATAM.
✔ The currently available scientific evidence from neonatal screening programs around the world clearly demonstrates that early asymptomatic detection enables neonatal screening.
#zebrasmexico #TamizNeonatal #tamicesneonatales #tamizneonatalampliado #cribadoneonatal #tamizneonatalauditivo #TamizNeonatalCardiaco #tamizneonatalvisual #tamizajeneonatal #diainternacionaldeltamizneonatal #screeningneonatal #enfermedadesraras #erroresinnatosdelmetabolismo #EIM #atencionintegral #diagnos ticoytratamientotemprano #simizneonatalparatodos #ceroodiseasdiagnosticasporunaenfermedadrara
#INSD #insd2023 #Screen4Rare